Un insieme di emozioni

76 Pins
Copione recita - musical Sei folletti nel mio cuore
Copione recita - musical Sei folletti nel mio cuore
Anno scolastico nuovo, scuola nuova, bambini nuovi...
Quest'anno mi sto divertendo a leggere e a pensare di sperimentare con la mia nuova classe che conoscerà lunedì alcune idee trovate in rete ...
Finding Dory & Nemo Aquarium Jars - Clever Pink Pirate
The Finding Dory movie is the most anticipated movie of the summer and we can't WAIT for the movie to be out in a couple of weeks! Finding Nemo has been our go-to Disney movie on evenings where we just want to relax. We made these Finding Dory & Nemo Aquarium Jars in anticipation of the movie. I spotted these figurines and knew exactly what we could do with them. This craft costs only a few dollars to make and you can make them in under 10 minutes. The glitter inside makes the water s...
Cinnamon Stick Christmas Ornaments
Cinnamon stick Christmas ornaments are easy to make, smell wonderful and make great gifts for friends and family.